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Pantelina Zourna Hargaden, MD, MPH, PhD currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology in the AUHS School of Pharmacy.Dr. Zourna Hargaden is an experienced epidemiologist and physician in Internal Medicine, with more than 15 years of experience in the US and Europe. Prior to joining AUHS, she has worked in epidemiological research for NIH projects through Athens University/Harvard University as well as in European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) studies. She has worked in breast cancer research, as part of the team of internationally known Professor Dimitrios Trichopoulos (Vincent L. Gregory Professor of Cancer Prevention and Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard Chan School of Public Health), who was also the academic advisor of her doctoral thesis. As a graduate of the MPH program at Harvard Chan School of Public Health and a public health practitioner, she investigated the risk factors of breast cancer and worked to raise awareness of cancer. She has extensive experience optimizing study designs and statistical analysis for interdisciplinary projects. Her scientific work has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals (e.g. Annals of Internal Medicine, BMJ, etc.)As a physician in Internal Medicine, Dr. Zourna Hargaden worked with ethos, with underserved populations in Greece, pioneered efforts to improve patient safety and performance, reduce preventable rehospitalizations and improve access of underserved populations to primary, secondary, and tertiary care. During her practice, she supervised multiple medical students and mentored international graduate students in public health, as an ambassador for Harvard Chan School of Public Health. She is enthusiastic about health sciences education, with a public health focus, to meet the current needs of healthcare in our country.She is a member of the American Public Health Association (APHA), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
PublicationsS heng, J.J, Wang, Y, Turesky, R.J., Kluetzman K, Zhang Q.Y., Ding X. (2016) Novel Transgenic Mouse Model for Studying Human Serum Albumin as a Biomarker of Carcinogenic Exposure. Chemical Research in Toxicology 29:797-809S heng, J.J. and Acquaah-Mensah, G.K. (2011) Subcellular location and molecular mobility of human sulfotransferase SULT1C1 in living human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 36:1-4.Kapoor, R. and S heng, J.J. (2008) Transfection of human CA-HPV-10 cells with sulfotransferase SULT1E1 affects estrogen signaling and gene expression. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 36:316-21.Kapoor, R., Nimmagadda, D. and Sheng, J.J. (2007) Cellular localization studies on human estrogen sulfotransferase SULT1E1 in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 35:17-20.S heng, J.J., Saxena, A. and Duffel, M.W. (2004) Influence of phenylalanines 77 and 138 on the stereospecificity of aryl sulfotransferase IV. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 32:559- 565.S heng, J.J., and Duffel, M.W. (2003) Enantioselectivity of human hydroxysteroid (alcohol) sulfotransferase ST2A3 (SULT2A1) for 1-naphthyl-1-ethanol, a model 1-arylethanol. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 31:697-700.Shibutani, , Ravindernath, A., Terashima, I., Suzuki, N., Laxmi, Y.R.S., Kanno, Y., Suzuki, M., Apak, T.I., S heng, J.J., and Duffel, M.W. (2001) Mechanism of lower genotoxicity of toremifene compared with tamoxifen. Cancer Research 61:3925-3931.S heng, J.J., Sharma, V, and Duffel, M.W. (2001) Measurement of aryl and alcohol sulfotransferase activity. Current Protocols in Toxicology 1:4.5.1-4.5.9. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NewS heng, J.J., and Duffel, M.W. (2001) Bacterial expression, purification, and characterization of rat hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase STa.Protein Expression and Purification 21:235-242.S heng, , Hua, Z., Guo, J., Cagganna, M., and Ding, X. (2001) Identification of a new human CYP2A gene fragment with close linkage to CYP2GP1. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 29:4-7.S heng, J.,Guo, J., Hua, Z., Cagganna, M., and Ding, X. (2000) Characterization of human CYP2G genes: widespread loss-of-functional mutations and genetic polymorphism. Pharmacogenetics 10:667-678.Su, , Sheng, J.,Lipinskas, T.W., and Ding, X. (1996) Expression of P450 2A genes in rodent and human olfactory mucosa. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 24:884-890.S heng, J., and Ding, X. (1995) Identification of human genes related to olfactory-specific CYP2G1. Biophy. Res. Com. 218:570-574.Ding, X., Spink, D.C., Bhama, J.K., Sheng, J., Vaz, N.D., and Coon, M. J. (1995) Metabolic activation of a potent olfactory-specific toxicant, 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (DCBN), an olfactory-Specific toxicant, by rat, rabbit, and human cytochrome P450: role of 2A and 2E isoforms. Pharmacology 49:1113-1121.Kittel, M., S heng, J., Sellinger, O., and Domino, E.F. (1994) Effects of MK-801 and PCP on rat brain cortical respiratory metabolism. Pharmacology Communications 4:258-261.Domino, E.F., Yao, L.K., Sheng, J., Grekin, R.J., and Malvin, R.L. (1993) Is nitric oxide involved in mediating rat open field behavior Pharmacology Communications 3:175-178.Domino, E.F., and Sheng, J. (1993) N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist and dopamine D1 and D2 agonist interactions in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine induced hemiparkinsonian monkeys. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 264:221-225.Domino, E.F., and Sheng, J. (1993) Relative potency and efficacy of some dopamine agonists with varying selectivities for D1 and D2 receptors in MPTP-induced hemiparkinsonian monkeys. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.265:1387-1391.El Karib, A.O., Sheng, J., Betz, A.L., and Malvin, R.L. (1993) The central effects of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (N-nitro-L-arginine) in blood pressure and plasma renin. Exper. Hypertension 15:819-822.ABSTRACTS AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MEETINGSLu, S., Li, L., S heng, J., Spink, D. and Aldous, K. Comparison of Untargeted Methods using GC-MS and LC-TOF-MS/MS for Analysis of K2/Spice Synthetic Cannabinoids in Herbal 2017 US MSACL (The Association for Mass Spectrometry Applications to the Clinical Lab), Palm Springs, CA.Ding , S heng, J.J, Wang, Y, Kluetzman K, Zhang Q.Y., and Turesky, R.J. (2016) Transgenic Mouse Development for Studying Human Serum Albumin as a Biomarker of Carcinogenic Exposure. Experimental Biology 2016/ American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, San Diego, CA.Paul, P. Suwan, J. Sheng, J.J.Linhardt, R.J. Dordick, J. Liu, J. (2012) Assays for enzymes used in the chemoenzymatic synthesis of heparin American Chemistry Society 243rd National Meeting, Philadelphia,Paul, P. Suwan, J. Sheng, J.J.Linhardt, R.J. Dordick, J. Liu, J. (2012) Assays for enzymes used in the chemoenzymatic synthesis of heparin American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting 2012, Pittsburgh,Kapoor, and S heng, J. (2008) Studies on the regulatory roles of human estrogen sulfotransferase SULT1E1 in the expression of signal transduction-related genes in human prostate cancer CA-HPV-10 cells. Experimental Biology 2008/American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, San Diego, CA.Kapoor, and Sheng, J. (2007) DNA microarray analysis suggests a regulatory role of human estrogen sulfotransferase SULT1E1 in the expression of signal transduction-related genes in human prostate cancer CA-HPV-10 cells. Experimental Biology 2007/ American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Washington DC.Nimmagadda, D. and Sheng, J. (2007) Immunochemical characterization of human sulfotransferase SULT1E1 in HEK293 cells. Poster presented at Experimental Biology 2006/ American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, San Francisco,Nimmagadda, D., Greiff, A., Gustad, T., and Sheng, J.J. (2005) Overexpression of hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase SULT2A1 enhances the cytotoxicity of N-hydroxy-2- acetylaminofluorene in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Poster presented at Experimental Biology 2005/American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, San Diego, CA.Greiff, H. and Sheng, J.J. (2004) Quantitative analysis of gene expression of hydroxysteroid/ alcohol sulfotransferase (SULT2A1) and estrogen sulfotransferase (SULT1E1) in normal and malignant human prostate cell lines.Poster presentation at Experimental Biology 2004/ American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Washington, DC.S heng, J. J., and Duffel, M. W. (2002) Enantioselectivity of human hydroxysteroid (alcohol) sulfotransferase ST2A3 for 1-naphthyl-1-ethanol, a model 1-arylethanol. 16th World Congress of Pharmacology, San Francisco,S heng, J. J., Saxena, A., Sharma, V., and Duffel, M. W. (2002) Studies on the molecular basis for the stereoselectivity of rat aryl sulfotransferase IV (ST1A1). Poster presentation at Experimental Biology 2002 /American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, New Orleans,S heng, J. J., and Duffel, M. W. (2001) Expression, rapid purification, and stereoselectivity of recombinant hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase STa (ST2A2). 10th International Society for the Studies of Xenobiotics (ISSX) North American Meeting, Indianapolis,S heng, J., Hua, Z, and Ding, X. (1997) Cloning and characterization of a human nasal cDNA related to olfactory-specific CYP2G1. 36th Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.Ding, X., Spink, D. C., Bhama, J. K., Sheng, J., Vaz, N. D., and Coon, M. J. (1995) Metabolic activation of a potent olfactory-specific toxicant, 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (DCBN), an olfactory-Specific toxicant, by rat, rabbit, and human cytochrome P450: role of 2A and 2E Experimental Biology 1995/American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Washington, DC. 153554b96e