It’s Pink Wednesday… Again! NEW!
It’s Pink Wednesday… Again! ===
After career scientists reviewed the evidence and recommended lifting the age requirement, political appointees intervened and overruled them. Once again, public health advocates had to organize and pressure and cajole the administration to follow the science. After nearly three additional years of organizing, science finally prevailed.
The roseate spoonbill is a large wading bird known for its pink plumage and distinctive spoon-shaped bill. Its upper neck and back are colored white, while the wings and feathers underneath display the more recognizable light shade of pink.
A female lays a clutch of one to five eggs. Both parents share incubation duties, which last about 22 to 24 days. A newly hatched chick has mostly pink skin with a sparse covering of white down. The parents feed the chick by dribbling regurgitated material into the baby's upturned bill. After one month, the chick will begin to exercise by clambering through the branches or foliage surrounding the nest, and by six weeks, it will have developed wing feathers large enough for flight.
Parents should take a newborn baby to be seen by a doctor if the infant develops pink eye. Persistent, watery discharge may be due to a blocked tear duct, but the eye will not usually be red. A blocked tear duct will often clear up on its own.
Just replaced the ink 2 weeks ago, in the middle of printing it went from black to pink and it's been pink every since. I do not refill the ink, only buy new. broke down and bought new black ink again, the color ink is showing full, black is still showing empty. Have cleaned everything through the cannon setup and it's still pink! It's a Cannon MG5300 series. It's about 6 months old.
Now all are flashing, already went through the menu and cleaned everything twice. Nozzle check came out with no white lines but the blue lines came out with the first bar of color but not the next 2 lighter bars. Broke down again and purchased another blue ink, still the same. Can't keep buying ink, now all showing empty again!
Thanks for your response. I bought a complete set of new ink (again). I installed the printer and reinstalled it, and it's fine. Don't know what happened, just glad it's fixed. If it happens again iI will take your advice. I could have bought a new printer on what I've spent on ink. All's good, thanks!
"The idea is, you take a men's product, like this electric razor," Peril says. "If you turn it pink and you put the word 'Lady' in front of it, you can sell it for more money. In all other respects, they products are exactly the same." Image courtesy of Peril.
"Sometimes this stuff just fell completely flat on the market," Peril says. "Lionel was the manufacturer of toy trains for most of the 20th century. In 1957, they decided they needed to conquer another part of the market, so they decided to make a train for girls. It wasn't enough to show girls playing with trains and having fun, they need to make one specifically for girls. So they made a train in pastel colors with a pink engine called the Lady Lionel train. It turned out that girls didn't want to play with a stupid pink train. It was a huge flop, only made for two years, and now, there's a big collectors market for them." Image courtesy of Peril.
"It's just so genius." Peril says. "It's pink and it's not a chemistry set, because, you know, men are chemists. Women are not chemists, right? A.C. Gilbert made a pink "lab technician" set, which has the words 'For Girls' prominently displayed on the outside of it. Not only do you create a secondary market to sell a product to girls, but you're also selling gendered ideas that women can only do certain jobs. After all, a woman's true career is wife and mother. If she wanted to be a chemist, she could be a lab technician. Instead of being a doctor, she could be a nurse. Instead of being an attorney, she could be a legal secretary. All this stuff is happening in this lab technician kit."
"The Princess phone was really marketed toward teenage girls," Peril says. "The idea being that they talked on the phone more. So Bell created this 'fashion phone' that came in colors like pink and turquoise and charged people more for having them in their homes."
It's hard to be churlish about a product that benefits breast cancer research. But Peril says she's known breast cancer survivors who've gotten fed up with all the "pink ribbon" items pushed at them. The Little Pink Tool Kit boasts pink tools with handles designed to fit women's hands. "But don't you want a hammer to be heavy?" Peril asks.
For Southern Hemisphere skywatchers the situation is similar, though the planets will be arranged a bit differently. In mid-southern latitudes one will see the planets rising from almost due east and forming a more vertical line that leans north. If one is facing east the planets will appear to go up and to the left. In the Southern Hemisphere winter is approaching, which puts the ecliptic (the path the planets follow against the background stars) at a steeper angle to the horizon. So from Melbourne, Australia, the first planet to rise will still be Saturn, but it will do so at 1:37 a.m. local time on April 17 (opens in new tab). By the time Jupiter rises at 4:13 a.m., the ringed planet will already be at an elevation of 29 degrees. By sunrise Jupiter will hit the 30 degree mark and Saturn will be 58 degrees above the horizon.
Despite its moniker, the Pink Moon isn't actually pink. The name "Pink Moon" comes from the bloom of ground phlox, a pink flower common in North America, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac (opens in new tab). It has also been called the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon.
You've probably seen pictures of Western Australia's highly Instagrammable pink lakes online. But what you see on the internet doesn't always reflect reality. It turns out that for over 10 years the 'Pink Lake', located in the town of Esparance, hasn't actually been pink.
According to Massenbauer, the lake lost its pink colour due to over-harvesting of salt. Between 1986 and 2007 over half of the lakes salt was removed for human use. At the same time, land clearing has lead to an accumulation of salt in the nearby Lake Warden wetland.
The lake gets its pink colour from an organism that releases a red pigment when competing for nutrients in environments that have low phosphate levels, high light intensity and high salinity. Massenbauer estimates that it will take approximately three years for the lake to return to pre-1900 salinity levels and get its pink glow back.
The lake's pink colour holds significance for local Aboriginal people. Esperance Nyungar traditional owner Janelle Reynolds told ABC News that the lake is part of a Dreamtime story about a great snake that turned the water pink.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is potentially more dangerous than viral pink eye and may need treatment with antibiotic eye drops to prevent serious complications. Allergic conjunctivitis can be managed by avoiding allergy triggers and taking antihistamines, either orally or in the form of eye drops.
The most visible symptom of pink eye is that one (or both) of your eyes are pinkish-red to red in color. Pink eye also usually causes itchy, watery eyes, and your eyes may burn or sting. You might also have some thin, whitish eye discharge and eyelid swelling.
The incubation periods for pink eye and bacterial conjunctivitis range from 24 hours to two weeks. It depends on the type of virus or bacteria you're exposed to, as well as the way you're exposed.
Viral conjunctivitis (pink eye) can seem to appear more suddenly than bacterial conjunctivitis, but the incubation periods for both can be short with direct exposure, such as touching your eye with a contaminated hand.
It can take longer to get pink eye or bacterial conjunctivitis if it develops out of an existing upper respiratory infection. You can be exposed to a virus or bacteria and catch a respiratory infection and then develop conjunctivitis later by touching your eyes after coughing or sneezing.
Viral conjunctivitis (pink eye) symptoms often get worse on the second or third day before they start to get better. Viral conjunctivitis is also more likely to spread to both eyes than bacterial conjunctivitis, though the bacterial form can also sometimes spread.
You can alleviate some of the discomfort from your conjunctivitis symptoms with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication and lubricating eye drops. Some at-home and natural remedies for pink eye could also help. 2b1af7f3a8